Occasionally, someone is well-served by taking a question that others have asked, and asking it again, just to see what shakes out.
Continue readingOccasionally, someone is well-served by taking a question that others have asked, and asking it again, just to see what shakes out.
Continue readingBy Sheldon Greaves The national upheaval caused by the murder of George Floyd by police officer Derek Chauvin has dominated the headlines for the last few days, and rightly so. You can almost feel a qualitative difference in the anger, … Continue reading
Seventy-five years ago this month an amateur weather-watcher from West Sussex published a landmark paper in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society directly linking the burning of fossil fuels to the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Continue readingThere are moments when you can feel in your bones that everything is about to change. The ancient Greeks had a word for this particular, special moment: Kairos.
Continue readingAn unelected, hyper-powerful oligarchy now wields vast unimpeachable power, with no accountability or even any expectation or obligation to govern.
Continue readingBeneath the public climate debate, another debate is going on, unnoticed, and one that citizen scientists may be uniquely qualified to address.
Continue readingBy Sheldon Greaves I ran across an invigorating little piece in Salon recently titled, “Silicon Valley makes everything worse: Four industries that Big Tech has ruined.” by Kieth A. Spencer. It expands on the matter of “disruption”, which is one … Continue reading
It’s official: global warming is real. Now the debate has shifted to whether it’s worth doing anything about it.
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