Every once in awhile when you get a bunch of intellectual types “talking shop”, the subject turns to the matter of intellectual objectivity. The journalist and broadcast majors will go on and on about the problems of maintaining objectivity and … Continue reading
I just ran across a really cool post by Kevin Carson at Mutualist Blog: Free Market Anti-Capitalism about “open source textbooks”. I’ve known about some projects like the MIT Open Courseware project for some time; this is a collection of … Continue reading
By way of taking my own advice about the value of learning languages, after last Thanksgiving I started studying Mandarin Chinese using Pimsleur Comprehensive Mandarin, Level I, which is an absolutely outstanding tool for anyone who wants to learn to … Continue reading
Every once in awhile we start hearing–again–about how poorly American kids are doing in school, how they lag behind just about every other industrialized country in pretty much everything (or so it seems). I submit that one way to alleviate … Continue reading
The pursuit of knowledge and discovery is one of the most characteristic of all essential human activities. It is far too important and way too much fun to be left to academics and professional scientists. One of the greatest things … Continue reading